About Us

What is the purpose of MakersBud?

MakersBud's primary purpose is to create a supportive and collaborative platform for makers, creators, creative minds, companies, and entrepreneurs to connect and collaborate with each other in all stages of the product life cycle. With MakersBud, you can connect with each other, share your creations, collaborate on projects, sell your creations, sell services, and much more.

What makes MakersBud different from other platforms?

MakersBud is a unique platform that is designed to include any service possible online that can help a maker, creator, creative minds, company, or entrepreneur in all stages of the product life cycle. Most of the platforms that you can find on the internet are designed to help people who are looking for a specific service, such as learning a skill, designing a website, sharing your creations, downloading 3d models, templates, fonts etc. But none of these platforms are designed to help people who are looking for a complete product life cycle solution, such as a complete website, a complete app, a complete robot, a complete physical product, or a complete business project. Normally discrete services works for most cases like chatting apps, golf club apps etc. but making a project is a completely different story. When making a project, you need to be able to connect multiple disciplines and collaborate with multiple people. This is what makes the MakersBud platform different.

Can you give some example use cases of MakersBud?


Example 1: You like making stuff and you want to share it with others and also find and communicate with other people who like to make stuff too.

You can post a blog post about your creations, so that you can get feedback from other people. MakersBud also lets you have a profile page where people can follow you to see your creations, projects and offerings. You can also add people as friends and send them messages through MakersBud.

Example 2: You want to start a 3D printing business and you want to share your creations and projects with other people who like to make stuff too.

You can be a provider of services and products through our system, so that you can get jobs through our optimized platform. Also you can buy distributor licenses from 3D models of your likings, so that you can batch print those models and sell them to people who are interested.

Example 3: